Community Building A Community Building

Rose Gibbs & Sahra Hersi

Coming Soon! 

The Mountford Estate Community Hall self-build project stands as a testament to collaborative endeavor, offering local underrepresented youth an immersive introduction to architectural design. This transformative initiative revolves around the act of redesigning and reconstructing a pivotal community space.

This book serves both as a comprehensive document and a blueprint, chronicling the genesis of the Mountford Estate Community Hall project. It traces its inception from grassroots conversations in community gardens and streets to dynamic workshops within architectural design schools, where young residents converged to reimagine their shared space.

More than a mere project, it serves as a method and model of inclusive space-making, challenging prevailing development paradigms by centering marginalized experiences. Rooted in an ethic of care, it underscores the intrinsic interplay between people, place, and space in shaping livable urban environments.

The book's design mirrors architectural renderings, with page layouts featuring key-hole shapes as symbolic codes for each chapter. The inclusion of hole punches hints at future iterations, signaling a series in the making. This publication encapsulates not just a singular project, but a journey towards community resilience and inclusive urban design.

Rose Gibbs and Sahra Hersi


March 2023 - March 2024

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