Caring is Resisting

Serpentine Gallery

Coming Soon! 

Everyday Resistance is a project by Jasleen Kaur and commissioned by the Serpentine Gallery. She organised events and hosted discussions with migrant mothers on the struggle of being a new mother in a new country. She came to us to design a publication and toolkit for these mothers and inform them of the resources and platforms they can access for support in the UK. The publication is bi-lingual in English and Arabic, as the majority of the migrant mothers in the borough are Arabic-speaking. It was important to us to develop a visual language that truly spoke to our audience and created a sense of familiarity and comfort. We took inspiration from vintage Arabic layouts of magazines and posters, playing with frames and decorations and paying homage to the rich cultural heritage of the Arab world through our design. Everyday Resistance is more than just a toolkit—it's a symbol of empowerment and community, offering a lifeline to women navigating the complexities of motherhood in difficult circumstances.

Jasleen Kaur


January 2022 - January 2024

Jasleen Kaur writing a letter to young Arabic mothers, the layout shows the letter
Jasleen Kaur quotes one of the mothers she's interviewed, this is shown on a pink background
The colophon mainly highlighting the different contributors including Jasleen Kaur and the Serpentine Gallery
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Jasleen Kaur recommended us for this project, after we worked with her on Gut Feelings Meri Jaan.