Letters of gratitude

Margaret Salmon and Maria Fusco

Coming Soon! 

Writing a thank you card doesn’t always come easy, especially because it’s not common practice anymore. The question is whether to be generic or oddly specific. A film is always quite the group effort, which means a lot of thank yous to give.  Whilst keeping this in mind we asked ourselves what can a Title and Credit become in that context? For us, in this instance, credits extended themselves beyond just mentioning who participated in what. Especially because the film questions the female voice and addresses who has the right to speak and in what way. We wanted to give both directors a written voice, an opportunity to not just credit but offer gratitude to all their collaborators. With that, both Margaret and Maria hand-wrote every person's name, as if personally thanking them, which we formed into rolling credits - or should we say rolling thank you’s.


Margaret Salmon and Maria Fusco


March 2023 - April 2023

History of the Present Poster Design
History of the Present Poster Design
Handwritten Credits by Maria Fusco and Margaret Salmon
Royal Opera House with the History of Present Film Credits
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Edit Collective, whom we collaborated with on the Science Gallery London signage, recommended us to Margaret and Maria.