Lost in Translations


MakeSenz is an organic 'slow' and local cosmetics brand based in Brussels. They have been at the forefront of zero-waste cosmetic in Brussels since their inception and alongside their brand run workshops to empower people to create their own products by understanding the ingredient's sourcing and benefits. Their brand has been established for many years and they wanted to keep certain elements of their communication such as the logo and colour palette but create a more rigorous system to create consistency across their packaging and communication assets. One of the core challenge with this design brief was to lay out a lot of information translated into three languages (French, Dutch and English) on a small surface area (packaging) whilst communicating the values of simplicity, slowness and approachability and  minimise excessive packaging production. Working with Sophie (the founder) we created a secondary colour palette inspired by nature and a system that was simple and elegant and enabled us to fit all the necessary information. The overall tone aimed to translate this hand-made, ritualistic aspect the brand very much embodies.


Photography: Laetizia Bazzoni


September 2020 – Ongoing

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The main Makesenz shop in Brussels was a place Betty (one of our founders) regularly shopped at. One time, Betty and the owner Sophie started talking and Betty mentioned she was a graphic designer. Sophie was at the time looking for a designer and asked Betty her details.