Feeling the Room

Science Gallery London

Science Gallery London is one of those places where art and sciences intersect. Located in the centre of London, their aim is to bring people and invite conversations around technology, social sciences, ethics, innovation and art. In partnership with Edit Collective, we developed a wayfinding system for the building and a modular interpretation system for the exhibitions. The wayfinding was developed to accommodate neuro diversities and did not depend solely on text. We commissioned a local ceramic studio (Studio Hot Mess) to sculpt and glaze the shapes we designed to represent each of the different rooms. Driven by sustainability, our concept was organised around modularity, reducing waste and removing the use of single-use vinyl. Most of the signage that would change over time can be printed in-house and changed by the in-house team. A lot of the work and research went into accessibility consultations and in-person testing.


Edit Collective

Studio Hot Mess

Peter Benett Studio

Kings College London


April 2021 - August 2022

way finding shown inside the science gallery space
wayfinding application in the science gallery London space
ceramic way finding tile hung up on the ceiling for the science gallery
way finding board in the science gallery London
science gallery London wayfinding and graphic design application (showing people in the room interacting with the space)
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We pitched for a project with DK-CM, a architectural design studio. They told Edit about us.